Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Adlerian Approaches

Another therapy is introduced by a man named Alfred Adler (1870-1937). He was a major contributor to psychodynamic therapies. He partnered with Sigmund Freud in the 20th century, until he no longer supported Freud's principles and develop his own theories.

Alfred Adler

Goals of Alderian Therapy

This is a type of psychoanalysis that broke off from Freud's theory. The belief of this therapy is that humans are social beings and that their actions are driven by social forces. Clients in this therapy are encouraged to change and move forward with the forces of nature.

  Key Concepts

  • View of Human Nature
  • Perception of Reality
  • Patterns of Human Personality
  • Social Interest 
  • Birth Order and Sibling Relationships


  • Establish Relationship with Client
  • Explore Client's Individual Dynamics
  • Self understanding and Awareness
  • Educate 
  • Areas of Application


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