REALITY THERAPY is the method of counseling that was developed by William Glasser in the 1960's and is considered a form of CBT. Reality therapy is based on choice theory and is based on the choices that people make. People are in control of their own actions and behaviors. They are solely responsible and no one else is to take on that responsibility.
William Glasser was born in Ohio on May 11, 1925. He earned his BA and MA from Case Western Reserve University and continued his education to achieve his MD from UCLA in California. At the beginning of his career he worked as a psychiatrist in Virginia. During this time he met his mentor, Dr. G.L. Harrington, and studied his theories, such as Choice Theory. With this he focused on how control plays a part in a persons world and how an individual has their own personal choices to make. He believes every choice an individual makes affects the other. From his continued studies, Glasser opened up his on school the Institute of Reality Therapy in 1967.
Robert Wubbolding was born in 1936 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is the youngest of six. Earned his doctorate from the University of Cincinnati. He worked as a counselor in the school systems and also worked with the U.S. Army's drug and alcohol abuse programs. He now works as a director of the Center for Reality. With his background knowledge, Wubbolding found that the best therapy that suited him was reality therapy. He has traveled throughout countries teaching and introducing reality therapy and the choice theory to different cultures. The WDEP system was developed by Wubbolding which is made up of reality therapy and choice theory.
Robert Wubbolding
- How a Client is living in the present and how to get them to look at their own actions to see if they are being productive or not for their life.
- Satisfaction is what motivates a human being. Connecting with people is a real need that people strive for.
- Clients should not be labeled and if they are they could be misdiagnosed.
The goal of reality therapy is to help people reconnect and to be more effective in fulfilling the need for love and belonging.
The techniques used in this type of counseling are components of cycle of counseling. One component is creating an environment appropriate for counseling and the second component is a procedure that helps with change in a client's behavior. A system called the WDEP is used to describe key procedures. This practice is described as a practical and is based on universal human principles (Wubbolding, 2007). This therapy helps clients explore their wants and needs, as well as how clients can reach them.
The WDEP System
The user of Reality Therapy, the WDEP system, applies the principles to individuals, to groups, and to organizations. Central to the effective use of the system is the establishment of a fair, firm, ad friendly atmosphere, climate, environment, or relationship.Built on the above environment, the procedures of reality therapy summarized in the WDEP system, including
- helping clients, students, employees define and clarify their wants (W),
- Examining their total behavior: feelings, effective or ineffective self-talk, and especially their actions (D).
- A searching and even at times uncomfortable self-evaluation (E)
- Culminating in specific and attainable positive plans (P) for improvement .
Links and Resources
Corey, G. (2009). Theory and practice of counseling and psycotherapy. Fullerton: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.
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